The end

Bitte hier klicken für die deutsche Version. What an adventure! On Thursday, the 30th of May 2019 at around 3 pm in 32 degree Celsius I arrived in Santiago de Compostela.The last two days of my journey still seem pretty surreal to me, even though some time has already passed. One night before my arrival in Santiago I slept in a convent in Hebron, exactly where the monks used to sleep. That alone was an experience all in its own. Then, on my last walking day, I walked the hills up and down, after 12 pm every step was excruciating because of the heat. Especially in the suburbs of Santiago, where the heat was reflected by the buildings and streets and with almost no shadow. However, simultaneously, the markers of my way finally showed numbers with only one digit before the point and I knew, that I would be able to make it for real. More than 270 km, 12 days of walking and so many people an faces later... and I was finally there. The feeling was a little bit strange. Shortly befor...