3 questions to a HSP patient

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I am walking the Way of St. James for my sister, to raise donations to help the scientific research of HSP along. In order to understand HSP better, I asked my sister three questions. 

What were the first symptoms of your illness?

At first, I was only walking more slowly and shakly and I stumbled more often. Then I fell down a couple of times. I just started to lose my balance more often.

What are you doing aa therapy against HSP? 

I go for a swim or do aqua gymnastics during rehabilitation sports. Anything inside a pool is always fun. On top of that I often go for a walk and I have physical therapy as well. I also do gymnastics at home. Once a year I drive to the university hospital in Tübingen. There they check the progression of my illness.

How does HSP affect you now? 

I often have leg cramps. When I sit too long, my legs get stiff or cramp and I have pain in my lower back. Squatting is almost impossible. I neither have the strength nor the balance to do that. Walking longer distances is also getting harder for me. I am not able to walk more than 2 km at a time.

Explanatory note: HSP is a illness that gets progressively worse; the symptoms of my sister are often found in the beginning of the illness. Not all HSP patients experience the same progression of the illness nor do all symptoms occur with the same intensity. If you want to know even more about HSP, you can check out the website of the Tom Wahlig foundation or you can look up further information here.


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